1. The head of the church is Christ. We believe that He makes His headship and leadership known through men that He chooses and equips to carry on the spiritual oversight of His work. Therefore, the spiritual leadership and administrative government of Grace Bible Church is vested in the Board of Elders.
2. All Elders must be active members of the church, showing evidence of established Christian character. They shall agree with the doctrinal statement of the church and its Covenant of Fellowship. They shall be men of mature Christian experience who shall meet the requirements set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
3. The Board of Elders is the executive board of the church and appoints all officers of the church. The board will elect a chairman from its members and may appoint other officers as necessary. The Board of Elders oversees all church operations and transactions with power to act, except that it shall not encumber the church with any loans, nor with the transfer, sale or purchase of any real estate except by authorization conveyed through a majority vote of the church membership present at a constitutionally called business meeting. The Board of Elders shall handle and consider suggestions, recommendations and grievances from, or upon the part of, any member or organization affiliated with the church.
4. A majority of the Board of Elders shall constitute a quorum for their meetings, and official action shall require a two thirds majority vote of the members present. In issues of major importance, input from the congregation will be solicited. Input from the congregation on any issue is always welcomed. However, if the question being voted concerns an application or interpretation of Scripture, a unanimous vote of the members present shall be required.
5. Selection for eldership is made by the present Board of Elders. The candidate will be presented to the church for at least two consecutive weeks for the purpose of receiving input from the congregation. Terms shall be three years. After one year’s absence from the board, an elder is again eligible to be selected for additional terms, provided that each term must be followed by a period of one year’s absence from the Board. The length of these terms applies only to the elder’s administrative duties. Once a man has served as an elder, he will continue to be considered an elder, even though not currently serving on the Board, so that he may continue to provide spiritual leadership for the church under the authority of the serving elders. Said elder must continue his membership without interruption and maintain the standards required of elders as stated above (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9).
Business Meetings
The church shall hold the regular annual meeting and special meetings as necessary. The date of the annual meeting is set by the Board of Elders. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Elders following any regular meeting of the church or at any other convenient time. When the business at hand requires approval of the church congregation (e.g. the buying or selling of church property) announcement of such meeting shall be made for two Sundays prior to the date of the meeting. Every attempt will also be made to announce special meetings two Sundays in advance with an agenda available. All congregational voting will be determined by secret ballot.
No business shall be conducted without a quorum consisting of twenty-five percent (25%) of the voting membership of the church. A majority vote of the members present shall be required to transact any business.
Church Officers
Senior Pastor
The Senior Pastor is selected by the Board of Elders. He shall remain in office for an indefinite period of time subject to the following reservations: The Board of Elders reserves the right to dismiss the Senior Pastor upon giving him one month’s notice of its intention to dismiss. The Senior Pastor must give one month’s notice if he intends to resign. The time limit of a Senior Pastor resignation or dismissal is subject to lesser time if both the Senior Pastor and the Board of Elders by mutual agreement provide otherwise. After the requirement of 1 Timothy 5:22, 24 and 25 have been met, the Senior Pastor also shall serve as an elder. When so serving, his responsibilities are parallel to those of other elders except that he shall not vote in regards to his own compensation and his continuance/ dismissal. The Senior Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of all councils and committees.
Other Staff
Other staff members are selected by the Board of Elders and Senior Pastor. Such other staff members shall remain in office for an indefinite period of time subject to the following reservations: The Elders reserve the right to dismiss the staff member upon giving one month’s notice of its intention to dismiss. The staff member must give one month’s notice of intention to resign. The time limit of a resignation or dismissal is subject to a lesser time if both staff members and Elders by mutual agreement provide otherwise. Job descriptions for all staff will be created and used as a guide for their employment.
Grace Bible currently has eleven full or part-time staff members.
Coordinators, Councils and Committees
To enable efficient handling of Board of Elder matters, the Board may appoint various coordinators, councils and committees from within its membership, the staff and from the church at large. These coordinators, councils and committees shall perform tasks solely in accordance with the duties and with powers specifically delegated by the Board. The general functions of coordinators, councils and committees are:
1. To plan, organize and carry out the specific areas of responsibility assigned.
2. To bring considered recommendations to the Board concerning ministries.
3. To provide a wider base of counsel to the elders having the oversight of specific ministries.
All Coordinators, Councils and Committees shall exist for the period specified by the Board of Elders.